A difficult month.

Well this month has been very fraught.

Work is re-structuring the our department and two posts will be deleted, so two of us will either re-locate to a different department or be made redundant.

Alot of people are running around like ‘chicken’s with no head’ and are worrying about their pensions and other stuff.

I am not so worried as I have ambition’s elsewhere, but I would love to keep my job like everyone else.

Hubby had an offer to change employment, but he has decided to stay where he is at the moment.

I want/need to write a book, in fact I have at least four books in my head, but I have no clue how ro write them and I may have to go to writer’s school to figure it out. Also, I had to give up my ‘Stictly’ challenge as I do not have a permanent partner.

Insanity is doing ‘ok’ so far, but I have to step it up before the Robin of Sherwood Convention in April.

Well, tomorrow is the first of March, and I with lots of events planned, I will have lots to do.

じゃ まった ね。

A Sporty weekend.

This weekend, we went to our first ice-hockey match after our son got a Level 1 certificate in his skating lessons.

I don’t understand the rules and kept wondering why the players fight so much and that they can catch the puck and then throw it back, otherwise we all enjoyed the match and the Panthers won 5-3.

As you can see my daughter and I were doing our ‘Zoolander’ poses during the intervals.12647395_487392624778819_331145040656594911_n

We also went to see the European Cup that Nottingham Forest won back in the day.


A review of January 2016

Well, it has been an awful start of 2016 with alot of my childhood stars passing away far too young.

Firstly David Bowie (69), Alan Rickman (69), Glenn Frey (69) to Terry Wogan (77) and Frank Finley (89). All of them and more have been part of my childhood and I feel very sad that they have gone.

Alternatively, I have had a good start to the year, personally. I am determined to get fitter (doing the Insanity Max 30 Workout) and am planning alot of time away from the house as we have not been on a ‘holiday’ in over eighteen months.

I have been to see Thriller the musical and went back stage to see Mike Lindup (of Level 42) and I went to see Miki Imai and Hotei san in Londaon with my husband.

I found skintdad.co.uk and have started the 52 week £1 Challenge for me and the 1p Challenge for the kids.

I have lots of other things planned the year.The main thing in the Hooded Man Convention (www.thehoodedman.co.uk) which is the Robin of Sherwood Convention based on the TV Series from 1983 – 1985 starring Michaed Praed, Jason Connery, Ray Winstone and other cast members including Ian Ogilvy (from The Saint). This is me at my most geekyist (I know it is not a word).I went to the 2014 Convention and cannot wait for the 2016 one.

Also, the Knights of the Apocolypse Radio program, will be out in the Summer.

Nothing’s Forgotten,

Nothing’s ever Forgotten